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You can group your contacts on iPhone. But unfortunately, iPhone provides no interface at all to manage these groups. If you have an unwanted group in your address book, you are pretty much stuck with it. DeleteGroups gives you a simple interface to do just that and helps you to keep your address book clean.

Heres how it does it
1. Lists all your contact groups
2. You can select a group with a single tap. Tapping a selected group will unselect it.
3. You can search for groups & select/deselect them.
4. You can view the list of contacts in a particular group. You can further view the details of each contact by pressing the ">" on the contact.
5. After you are done selecting the groups, click “Delete”.
6. You have 3 options
a. Delete the group & all the contacts present in the group. This will also delete the contacts from other groups if they are present.
b. Delete only the group, but retains the contacts in it. The contacts are moved to "All Contacts" in your address book.
c. You can choose to cancel the operation and return back to the Groups list.

Note: Once the groups and/or contacts are deleted, they cant be restored. You are advised to take a backup if you are unsure
This product is thoroughly tested by us and we fully support it (email:[email protected]).